This project involved a tactical review of an envelope renewal for an early 1980s contemporary home. As part of a total envelope replacement, the investigation reviewed the measures needed to adhere to the Enerphit program requirements, along with energy modelling and options analysis for the implementation, and high level costing of different approaches to be considered.
Enerphit is a program through the Passive House Institute that is aimed at improvements on existing buildings to improve reductions in heating energy demand of up to 90% have been achieved in a large number of projects.
The Enerphit program is for certified energy retrofits with Passive House Components. This requires either a maximum heating demand of 25 kWh/(m²a) or alternatively the consistent use of Passive House components in accordance with the requirements for PHI certification of components. The heating demand calculated by the PHPP, and the quality of thermal protection of the individual components are indicated in the certificate.
There are two possible compliance paths for an Enerphit home: the energy method (same as a regular passive house project) and the component method.